Description of Services
Hospice is a special program of care for people who no longer benefit from life prolonging treatment or have chosen not to participate in further treatment for a progressive, terminal disease.
Hospice care neither postpones nor hastens death. Our objective is to control pain and symptoms so that the person can live as fully and comfortably as possible. Hospice de la Luz creates a custom-tailored medical treatment plan for each patient and family.
Each patient in our program receives an array of services from our professional team. Hospice goes anywhere a patient lives. Hospice routine home care is provided at the patient’s home, nursing home or assisted living facility by the interdisciplinary team of professionals and volunteers from hospice. Respite care may also be available to you and your family through hospice programs.
Each hospice patient is individually assessed to determine which practitioners and at what frequency our patients will receive services. Each person and their family are assessed for the following services:
Nursing Services
Chaplain Visits
Social Work/Counseling Services
Certified Nursing Assistant Visits
Physician Consults
Complimentary Therapies (aroma therapy, touch therapy, music therapy)
Hospice de la Luz will take the responsibility to provide appropriate medical equipment such as a hospital beds, oxygen, walkers and/or wheelchairs. We will also provide medications that are related to the hospice diagnosis that brought you to hospice.
Pain management, symptom control and education lie at the very heart of our hospice care. Pain affects sleep, appetite, activity and dignity level. Left untreated, pain can cause depression, anxiety and fear. Our physicians and nurses specialize in end-of-life comfort care and understand the symptom management associated with chronic diseases such as Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
As a privately owned and locally operated hospice, our mission is to provide the services needed for your individual situation in a timely, considerate and professional manner.